
Toddler Food Problems

Toddler Food Problems
Key words: toddler food, cheese, baby
It is so important to ensure that your toddler has a balanced diet. He is developing rapidly both physically and mentally, and he needs good nutrition to help that development. So, what happens when he refuses to eat certain foods? How can you be sure that he is getting the right nutrition?

Well, the good news is that there are so many varieties of meats, vegetables, fruits, and grains, that you should be able to continue to try substitutions with him. As long as he is getting plenty of all of these types of toddler foods, he should be fine. Don't make a big deal over the foods that he has begun to refuse.

Part of the problem is that he really is learning to recognize his own likes and dislikes, but the other part of the problem could merely be a power struggle. Don't force him to eat, and don't focus on the foods he doesn't eat. Instead, try something new, and if he does appear to like it, don't give that a lot of attention either. The point is that you want him to like food and eat because he enjoys eating. You don't want him to use food as a means of power over you.

Calcium is very important to your baby's growth. While he can get calcium from cheeses and other sources, your toddler should still be drinking plenty of milk. Your pediatrician may have told you that you can stop giving your baby formula or breast milk at one year. If you are still nursing, however, that is great! If not, it is important that you give your baby whole milk, not skim or low fat milk. For one reason or another, some babies will not drink enough milk from a cup. If you have to continue giving your baby milk in a bottle for a few months to ensure that he is getting enough, then go ahead and do so. If your baby is refusing to drink milk, you may want to try some of the formulas made for toddlers. He may like the taste of those better.

