
The computer helper: Fix Windows glitches - Feature

The computer helper: Fix Windows glitches - Feature
Key words: computer, PC, CPU
A Windows computer doesn't always do what you expect it to. Sometimes the "shut down" command doesn't shut down the computer, for instance. Sometimes your mouse might not act the way it should. and other times your PC slows down for no apparent reason.
How can you handle such glitches? Read on for some answers.
Q: My Windows XP PC refuses to shut down. It was shutting down fine a few days ago. Now when I click Shut Down, nothing happens. Why is this?

Q: Lately, my Windows computer slows to a crawl. I'm not sure why. It's not exactly frozen, but everything takes a very long time. Switching from one window to another can take several minutes. How can I diagnose the problem?
A: first, make sure your PC has not become infected with spyware. Run Windows Defender and Ad-Aware to scan your system thoroughly.
If that doesn't work, find out what program or process is hogging your system resources. To do this, press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to bring up the Task Manager. From the Task Manager, Select the Process tab. There, you'll see a list of programs and processes that are currently running on your Windows computer.
the list of processes can be sorted by clicking on the column heading according to which you would like to sort. For instqance, to sort the list of active processes by CPU, click the CPU column heading. You want to do this in order to determine which process is consuming the most CPU cycles - and thus slowing down your computer.
Once you have sorted by CPU, you'll probably notice a process named System Idle Process at the top of the list. You can ignore this. Anything below that, however, that has a high number is probably responsible for the slowdown you experience.
Try to identify the program to which the process belongs simply by reading the name. If you can't figure it out, type the name into an internet browser, and search for it on the Web. The application to which it belongs will probably be identified quickly. You can kill the process by right clicking its name in the Process tab, and selecting End Process from the resulting pop-up menu. Once you have identified.
Once you have identified the program that is consuming all of your CPU cycles, uninstall it. That should solve your problem.

